Fossil image

3 cast made form 3 copper plates and album pages. 
Dimensions of each plaster cast plates 23,5 x 16,5 cm. 

From the three copper plates, the same ones projected in the work “Recorded Image”,which share the fact of having been submerged for over 4 hours in chemicals, allowing the drawing to transform into a crack, making it possible to serve as a mold for 3 plaster casts that replicate the marks left on the metal and were placed over a page of the family album. 

This reflection stems from the deterioration caused by humidity, which led to the appearance of a whitish layer covering the shapes, faces, and background landscape. But in a way, this concealment always demanded an insistent and intimate gaze. Interestingly, this is the same approach required to appreciate the images inscribed on the plaster plates, as only up close can the details be observed, which disappear into the whiteness when viewed from a distance. 
